Current Issue

JBIMA Editorial August 2023

Unstable Life: A comprehensive Rebuttal Establishing the Legitimacy of Organ Retrieval in Brain Death Patients in Islamic Jurispudence

Considerations related to Sanofi Pasteur Covid-19 vaccine Vidprevtyn Beta: use of the adjuvant squalene from an Islamic jurispudence viewpoint: an independent research

Ethics of Hijama or cupping Practice

Original Pioneering Medical Islamic Discoveries and/or Inventions (Plagiarized by The West) – A continuation

The impact of the film ‘Organ donation and You’ on public perception of organ donation

Digitising diabetes education for a safer Ramadan: Design, delivery and evaluation of massive open online courses in Ramadan-focused diabetes education

Assessing the effectiveness of community basic life support training in faith based settings

10 years of BIMA Lifesavers – a reflective place

Towards a culturally competent framework for healthcare translation

A culturally responsive approach to Speech and language therapy: Case study of a bilingual Muslim patient during Stroke rehabiliation

Hardworking or overworked? Spiritual consequences discussed

Mental Health in the aftermath of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria: Personal notes of urgent needs

Health care services in northwest Syria and Earthquake response

Let’s have a transparent Debate – comments on the article “Is there a case for British Muslims to be exempted from the new opt out organ donation law”